…networking, communication and brainstorming, as well as a more consistent and louder voice for our specialized law enforcement members. SPAC Committee Members Jim Bock Region II Representative (Chairman) Michael Torres …
Search Results for: https://www.tempcontrolpack.com/id/rd-result/养OiQ
…of other agencies. “We get together and look at ‘What is everybody else getting? What is your city council and board of supervisors doing with negotiations and how can we…
A Breakdown of New Gun Laws
…the package was a reaction to the recent massacre in Orlando. The Legislature used the “gut and amend” process, in which the current language of an existing bill is completely…
Presidential Candidate – Jacky Parks
Jacky Parks Fresno POA I am truly humbled and honored to represent and serve all of you the past 8 years as a PORAC Region II E-Committee Member. I am…
2022 PORAC Scholarship Application
…quality of the law enforcement profession in California. The Scholarship Program was developed from PORAC’s strong sense of commitment to individual communities and the PORAC members who serve those communities….
The PORAC/POREF Wildfire Relief Fund – Donate Today!
The Law Enforcement Family stands proud and always stands united. As the wildfires ravage our Northern and Southern California communities, there is another community that needs our support. Many fellow…
…that was clearly contrary to Abood and established Supreme Court precedent. The plaintiffs filed their complaint in the district court and, without developing any factual record, immediately requested the court…
Private: 2024 Voting Guide
The below interactive guide allows you to view PORAC’s endorsed candidates representing your community at the local, state and federal level. PORAC has a rigorous endorsement process that includes written…
Social Media
…on-the-job details and a comprehensive scope of human activity. As we engage with our communities, we hope to make all Californians feel more comfortable when talking with peace officers. The…
PORAC Co-Sponsors AB 664
…of the COVID-19 pandemic response, AB 664 provides: 1) An occupational presumption for injuries sustained from COVID-19, and other communicable diseases 2) The presumptive injury status applies only…