Introducing PORAC’s New Vice President

Introducing PORAC’s New Vice President

We are pleased to announce that Ben Therriault has been elected as PORAC’s new vice president. He is a sergeant with the Richmond Police Department and has been the Richmond […]

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Joint Letter on Retail Theft

On behalf of the California Police Chiefs Association (CPCA) and the Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC), we write to respectfully share our concerns with proposed amendments to the […]

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PORAC’s Letter to the UC Board of Regents

As a partner in advocating for and maintaining the safety of California university campuses, we are alarmed by the deterioration of peacefully organized protests into violence in recent days.

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PORAC’s Letter to CSU Board of Trustees

As a partner in advocating for and maintaining the safety of California university campuses, we are alarmed by the deterioration of peacefully organized protests into violence in recent days.

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West Coast Law Enforcement Coalition Returns to D.C. to Advocate for Solutions to Nationwide Recruitment & Retention Challenges

Washington, D.C. – The West Coast Law Enforcement Coalition will be returning to Washington D.C. from Monday, April 29 through Wednesday, May 1, to advocate for commonsense public safety reforms […]

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Introducing PORAC’s New Vice President
Joint Letter on Retail Theft
PORAC’s Letter to the UC Board of Regents
PORAC’s Letter to CSU Board of Trustees
West Coast Law Enforcement Coalition Returns to D.C. to Advocate for Solutions to Nationwide Recruitment & Retention Challenges

Fund a Hero is the in-house fundraising platform of the Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC), specifically developed for law enforcement, by law enforcement. It is free to use for PORAC’s members and, unlike other crowdfunding platforms, charges no fees for launching a campaign. PORAC makes no profit from the fundraisers, meaning that 100% of the proceeds go to the officer or family in need.

Help Fund A Hero Today

Please Help Deputy Powell’s Battle with Leukemia

Please Help Deputy Powell’s Battle with Leukemia

On September 4, 2024, Deputy De’Angelo Powell reported for work as usual. While performing his duties, Deputy Powell began to feel ill. He left work and took himself to John Muir Hospital in Walnut Creek to be evaluated. John Muir's staff performed a series of tests; he was then diagnosed with Bell's Palsy and Leukemia.

San Diego Deputy Alex Bonee is Battling Stage 4 Metastatic Colon Cancer & Needs Your Help

San Diego Deputy Alex Bonee is Battling Stage 4 Metastatic Colon Cancer & Needs Your Help

Please help us support our friend and colleague, Deputy Alex Bonee. Alex was notified the cancer had returned a third time and metastasized to the chest categorizing the cancer as stage 4.

Support Officer Daniel Yee with his FIGHT against Brain Cancer

Support Officer Daniel Yee with his FIGHT against Brain Cancer

Our law enforcement community has all felt the effects of short staffing and stress, so when Officer Yee began experiencing headaches that would not subside he chalked it up to stress. The headaches persisted, becoming worse, all the while he continued to report for duty. He sought medical attention but when the medical interventions did not provide relief, his wife took him to the Emergency Room. A mass was discovered in his brain. Surgery immediately followed but the entirety of the mass could not be removed due to the location in his brain. Biopsy results revealed stage four brain cancer.

Listening In: On the Job with PORAC

Featured Podcast

Prop 47 Reform: Addressing California’s Retail Theft Crisis

In this month’s episode, President Brian Marvel and our new Vice President Ben Therriault sit down with Legislative Advocate Randy Perry and Sacramento County Sheriff Jim Cooper to discuss the ongoing efforts to reform Prop 47 and address the alarming rise in organized retail theft in California.

S7 E3 Campus Protests: The Police Perspective

This episode focuses on the recent college campus unrest and the unique challenges faced by university police…

S7 E2 Honoring Our Fallen Officers

In this episode, we were joined by Mark Nichols and Juan Viramontes from the California Peace Officers’ Memorial…

Legislative Alert

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