…the life of her partner, Mark Stasyuk. Watch the full hearing here. HOW YOU CAN HELP Visit www.porac.org/sb230, you can send a necessary message to California legislators that protecting our…
Search Results for: https://www.tempcontrolpack.com/id/knowledge/a-delegation-led-by-gao-jianguo-a-specially-invited-consulting-expert-from-the-china-association-of-social-workers-conducted-a-research-visit-to-military-entrepreneurship-enterprises-in-suzhou-and-s/衡azk
Presidential Primaries and Supreme Court Drama
…of robbery or extortion that affect interstate commerce. For any Hobbs Act violation, the government must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that interstate commerce was affected. At issue in Taylor…
The Real Story: AB 953 and AB 71 Explained
…Justice (www.openjustice.doj.ca.gov), is a public clearing house of law enforcement data, including arrest rates, deaths in custody/arrest-related deaths, and the number of law enforcement officers killed or assaulted in the…
PORAC Training
…be more effective within their associations: NEW – Association Treasurer 101 Association Leadership Collective Bargaining Internal Affairs Political Action/PAC Management Peer Support Line of Duty Death Public Records Act Social…
…Association California Criminal Justice Warrant Services Association California District Attorneys Association California Gang Investigators Association California Narcotics Officers’ Association California Peace Officers’ Memorial Foundation California State Sheriffs’ Association Concerns of…
Presidential Candidate – Brent Meyer
…police officer, I’ve worked graveyard on patrol, on a motor in the traffic section, on a bicycle, and at the Regional Community Policing Institute. Determined to improve communications between my…
Specialized Police Associations Coalition (SPAC)
Welcome to SPAC The Specialized Police Association Coalition (SPAC) is a committee within PORAC that was introduced to help address the interests of those participating specialized law enforcement, such as…
Detective Reinstated; City Forced to Remove Misleading Documents From Personnel File
…previously complained about, and who was disciplined as a result of that complaint, our client, a Carlsbad police detective with more than 18 years’ experience in law enforcement, was terminated…
SSJ Chapter Endorses Parlier for Kern County BOS
…Chris Parlier for District 2 of the Kern County Board of Supervisors. To learn more about Parlier’s commitment to public safety refer to Homepage link to his website: https://electchrisparlier.com/ https://electchrisparlier.com/…
The Creation of the Peace Officer Bill of Rights & PORAC
…and was rewritten by PORAC and introduced as AB 301. President Bill Bean appointed Wally Colfer (SEBA) to head up an Inter-Association Liaison Committee, composed of PORAC, CPOA, COPS, LAPPL,…