…period of three calendar months for each full year of the requisite service, but not to exceed 60 months in any circumstance, commencing with the last date actually worked in…
Search Results for: https://www.tempcontrolpack.com/ar/warm-congratulations-to-wuxin-group-on-successfully-listing-on-the-sci-tech-innovation-board-of-the-shanghai-equity-exchange-center/文Kr6
Detective Reinstated; City Forced to Remove Misleading Documents From Personnel File
…previously complained about, and who was disciplined as a result of that complaint, our client, a Carlsbad police detective with more than 18 years’ experience in law enforcement, was terminated…
The PORAC News Roundup
…League Baseball and Basketball, youth soccer) School districts Church groups Local nonprofit groups (women’s shelters, food banks) Animal welfare groups (SPCA) You can also approach your local parks and recreation…
…This article briefly describes what happened in that litigation and what was at stake. Agency Fee Arrangements and the First Amendment Unions are legally obligated to represent all bargaining unit…
PORAC in the News
…that can be lacking in some areas. This was a no-nonsense, one-cop-speaking-to-the-community piece. If you haven’t seen the video, you can view it on PORAC’s YouTube channel (www.YouTube.com/PORACalifornia), Facebook (www.Facebook.com/PORAC)…
Get To Know Both PORAC-Endorsed CalPERS Candidates
…a member of the Board, I will be a voice of reason and common sense, and an advocate that shows compassion and determination for those I serve.” Moran retired from…
Court of Appeal Affirms Constitutionality of Public-Sector Fact-Finding
…the union’s request over the commission’s objection, and the commission sued. The commission claimed that fact-finding provisions applied only to an impasse arising during the negotiation of a comprehensive MOU,…
Primary Results and Pending Legislation
…are a grassroots association, and the power of our group comes from listening closely to our members. The POAs, DSAs and chapters provide direction to the PORAC Executive Board of…
New Federal Legislation Introduced to Establish a Child Care Program to Support Local Law Enforcement Agencies
…“Research shows us that female officers develop deeper trust with communities, use less force, and are less frequently identified in complaints and lawsuits, but child care concerns remain one of…
Racial Profiling Expert Finds Serious Flaws in California’s Racial & Identity Profiling Board 2022 Annual Report
…California Department of Justice’s Racial & Identity Profiling Advisory (RIPA) Board’s 2022 Annual Report. As a non-partisan advisory board, the RIPA Board has an obligation to the public to maintain…