…involved in the planning or implementation of campaign activities. Revised Disclaimer Requirements for PAC Independent Expenditures Effective October 10, 2015, the law was changed for disclaimers that must appear on…
Search Results for: https://camp-fire.jp/profile/88cuci88cuci印Wm8
…in our communities and provide programs to adequately meet those changing needs. Because, if our families aren’t safe, nothing else matters. https://youtu.be/oKQ7krbzYRA PORAC’s Mission PORAC’s mission is to maintain a…
PORAC No on AB 931 Radio Ads
PORAC President Brian Marvel, No on AB 931 Radio Ad https://porac.org/wp-content/uploads/AB-931-PORAC-Marvel.5.mp3 CA Police Chiefs, No on AB 931 Radio Ad https://porac.org/wp-content/uploads/AB-931-Chiefs-60-sec.mp3…
SSJ Chapter Endorses Parlier for Kern County BOS
…Chris Parlier for District 2 of the Kern County Board of Supervisors. To learn more about Parlier’s commitment to public safety refer to Homepage link to his website: https://electchrisparlier.com/ https://electchrisparlier.com/…
Lawmakers Address Law Enforcement Needs as Summer Approaches
…announced he was suspending his campaign. Less than a week before, Cruz had tapped Carly Fiorina as his vice presidential running mate in an effort to gain supporters and close…
PORAC in the News
…Our team was approached by the Susan Bonilla for Senate campaign to clarify organized labor’s support for Bonilla over opponent Steve Glazer. A piece penned by President Mike Durant was…
Gearing Up for a Busy Fall
…such as police militarization and prison sentencing reform. As the presidential election approaches, expect these topics to be frequently discussed along the campaign trails and in debates. This August also…
Reed/DeMaio Initiative Cleared for Signature Gathering
…either, measure they will move forward. Successful initiative campaigns can cost tens of millions of dollars. While Reed and DeMaio could certainly have deep-pocketed benefactors waiting in the wings, with…
Presidential Primaries and Supreme Court Drama
…Senator Marco Rubio suspending his campaigning, only Cruz and Kasich are left as alternatives. The pressing question is whether Trump can amass enough delegates for the nomination before the convention….
Presidential Candidate – Brent Meyer
…SacPOA, I led tough contract negotiations through the Great Recession, coordinated political campaigns, and built strong, resilient relationships with department leadership, management and elected officials. Since 2013, I’ve been the…