…for new employees tested at 40% support and 40% oppose. In recent news articles, Chuck Reed has indicated that they will be conducting their own polling to determine which, if…
Search Results for: http://www.ikanchai.com/article/20240729/595510.shtml艾55n
Calendar Subscription
…the Calendar app. How to add calendar subscriptions to your Android device Copy the calendar URL from above. Log in to your Google account. Go to https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ Tap the + symbol…
Officer Review of Body-Camera Footage Debated in the Assembly
…Committee, for example) before being heard in Appropriations Committee (if the bill has a price tag), and is then debated on the floor of its respective house. The deadline for…
Detective Reinstated; City Forced to Remove Misleading Documents From Personnel File
…previously complained about, and who was disciplined as a result of that complaint, our client, a Carlsbad police detective with more than 18 years’ experience in law enforcement, was terminated…
Responding to Psycho-Medical Emergencies
…subjects. Whenever safe and practical to do so, officers should make sure that all components and resources are marshaled and immediately available to engage and complete the capture/control, sedation and…
Presidential Candidate – Brian Marvel
…City of San Diego – US Navy Veteran Skills: – Leadership – Marshalling forces/allies – Political acumen – Comprehension & discernment of complex issues – Utilizing all forms of communication…
…This article briefly describes what happened in that litigation and what was at stake. Agency Fee Arrangements and the First Amendment Unions are legally obligated to represent all bargaining unit…
Social Media
…on-the-job details and a comprehensive scope of human activity. As we engage with our communities, we hope to make all Californians feel more comfortable when talking with peace officers. The…
Trust and Transparency
…or serious bodily injury. It would also allow those who file complaints alleging misconduct to access basic information related to the complaint, including whether the complaint was sustained, the factual…
Reinstated (Again): Arbitrator Finds Grover Beach Officer Fit for Duty
…Court (see April 2013 PORAC LE News article “Court Rejects Dishonesty and Excessive Force Charges, Grover Beach Police Officer Reinstated”), the City still refused to return Lopez to active duty….