This 24-hour course has been updated to cover topics from our Basic Collective Bargaining class, as well as our Advanced Bargaining class. We’ll be providing an overview of the entire bargaining process, a legal analysis of laws related to collective bargaining including Meyers-Milias-Brown, external influences on the bargaining process, good faith and bad faith bargaining, positional and interest-based bargaining, basic contract costing, and the grievance and arbitration process. This course will also cover scope of bargaining, management rights, and how to develop an agreement that includes monetary and no cost items that meeting the needs of your members and the public employer.
This course is intensive, demanding, and requires students to commit to attending the entire course. It will help to prepare you to negotiate with the best!
Who should attend?
Anyone involved in negotiations or who would like to become more knowledgeable about the negotiation process.
$325 registration fee / $450 Non-member
August 2025 Course Flyer
Hotel Link: Hilton San Diego Airport/Harbor Island
Three-Day Class, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.