The House Committee on Energy and Commerce Committee held a hearing relating to Federal Efforts to Combat the Opioid Crisis. PORAC is pleased to share that Congresswoman Mimi Walters submitted our prepared testimony for the record and referenced PORAC in the hearing. Read More
PORAC Is Disappointed Over Signature Of SB 620
Yesterday, Governor Brown signed SB 620 by Senator Steven Bradford (D-Compton) and it will become law January 1, 2018. PORAC cannot understand why the Governor and democratic leaders would pass a law that allows criminals using a firearm in the commission of a crime to not be charged with the use of that firearm. Read More
PORAC Statement On The Tragedy In Las Vegas
Today, across our nation, we stop to grieve the loss of 58 innocent lives in Las Vegas, Nevada. The likelihood is that the number will rise, as hundreds have been wounded, many with life-threatening injuries. Read More
PORAC Seeks Peace in Tragedy
Law enforcement has been targeted for simply answering the call of duty. This is a tragic trend in the course and scope of an officer’s daily duties. Read More
Fiscal Year 2017 Omnibus Spending Bill Passed By Congress
PORAC is pleased to report that the Fiscal Year 2017 omnibus spending bill passed by Congress today generally maintains—and in some cases increases—funding for programs that support the efforts of law enforcement. Read More
PORAC Seeks to Strengthen Community Trust with New Transparency Bill
The Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC) has introduced legislation to increase positive communication between law enforcement and the communities they serve. Numerous discussions between rank and file law enforcement agencies resulted in the drafting of Assembly Bill 1428, relating to peace officer transparency Read More
An Open Letter to Congressman Lacy Clay
PORAC understands that members of the U.S. House of Representatives are asked to select artwork created by students in their districts to be displayed in the United States Capitol. The […] Read More
An Offensive Painting is Removed
Missouri Congressman, Lacy Clay, sparked a controversy when he decided to hang an obviously offensive painting from a local art contest on the walls of the United States Congress[…] Read […] Read More
Statement by President Durant – Removal of offensive painting at the U.S. Capitol
For Immediate Release: January 6, 2017 Contact: Terry McHale (916) 448-3444 The Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC), representing more than 69,000 California law enforcement personnel throughout the […] Read More
PORAC Opposes H.R. 699 / E-Mail Privacy Act
On behalf of the Peace Officers Research Association of California (“PORAC”), the
nation’s largest statewide public safety association, representing over 66,000 members in
California and Nevada, I write to oppose H.R. 699, the “the Email Privacy Act,” which seeks to
update the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (“ECPA”) for the digital age.
PORAC supports reforming ECPA and acknowledges the need for renewing this
outdated law, but H.R. 699 is not the answer. The ability to access electronic communications is
critical for law enforcement to ensure public safety efficiently and effectively. As written, H.R.
699 places an undue burden on law enforcement’s ability to gather digital evidence, providing Read More
Statement from PORAC President Mike Durant Regarding Anti-Law Enforcement Statements of Quentin Tarantino
Sacramento, CA – The Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC) represents over 67,000 public safety members in over 910 local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.
As a career cop, and as the President of PORAC, I join other law enforcement officers around the country in condemning the terribly irresponsible comments by film director Quentin Tarantino. Read More
California Law Enforcement Makes Transparency a Priority Open Justice Website Brings Public Safety Data to the Public
After months of working together, the Peace Officers Research Association of
California (PORAC), representing 67,000 public safety members and 915 associations, appreciates
the considerable efforts of Attorney General Kamala Harris on the launch of Open Justice, a website
clearinghouse for public safety data in California.
In response to concerns of those they serve, PORAC has been conferring with Attorney General
Harris on ways to improve transparency in reporting of law enforcement interactions with the public.
“Every member of our community matters to us,” said PORAC President Mike Durant. “We feel the
frustrations of our neighbors and we want to be part of the solution. Solving the problem begins with
having the data to know how to approach those concerns. Open Justice will give us a more detailed
roadmap so we can be pragmatic moving forward.” Read More
Law Enforcement Leaders Support Efforts to Curb Prescription Drug Abuse
Sacramento, CA: Legislators and stakeholders today discussed the importance of increasing the use of Abuse-Deterrent Formulas to curb prescription drug abuse. Brent Meyer, Vice President of the Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC), representing 67,000 public safety members and 910 public safety associations testified in support of the measure. Read More
Leading Law Enforcement Association in California Strongly Supports Body Cameras
Sacramento, CA: PORAC leadership, representing 67,000 public safety members and over 915 associations in California, will testify at a hearing of the California State Assembly Public Safety Committee tomorrow that will be weighing the benefits of law enforcement wearing body cameras to the potential disadvantages Read More
PORAC Participates in Hearing to Strengthen Community Trust in Law Enforcement
Sacramento, CA: The Legislature today held an important in-depth discussion on the relationship between law enforcement and the communities we serve. As the largest statewide association of public safety personnel in the nation, the Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC) attended the hearing to listen and contribute to the discussion. PORAC wants to be part of the solution. Read More
Statement from California’s Largest Peace Officer Organization Regarding Legislative Hearing on Public Safety and Mental Health
Sacramento, CA: The Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC), representing more than 67,000 public safety members and 910 associations, commends today’s thorough legislative hearing regarding law enforcement interactions with the mentally ill. Read More
Veteran Sacramento Police Officer Brent Meyer Elected Vice President of California’s Largest Public Safety Organization
Sacramento, CA: The Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC), representing more than 64,000 public safety members and 910 associations, announced that Sacramento Police Officer Brent Meyer will serve as their 2013-14 Vice President. Read More
Santa Barbara Senior Deputy Sheriff Mike Durant Elected by Peers to Head California’s Largest Public Safety Organization 30 Year Public Safety Veteran Begins Term as Leader of PORAC
Sacramento, CA: The Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC), representing more than 64,000 public safety members and 910 associations, announced today that Santa Barbara Senior Deputy Sheriff Mike Durant is the organization’s new President. The 50 year old Durant is a respected cop who brings three decades of public safety experience to the job. Read More