Travis Lambert, a police sergeant with 17 years on the job, is a member of the Carlsbad Police Department. Recently, Travis, who is known for his exceptional health, developed some…
Search Results for:钱u3D
…the state.” “With the evolving role of law enforcement and the perception of law enforcement in the news, it’s nice to have PORAC being our voice at the state capitol…
Primary Results and Pending Legislation
…to the November 8 general election. The competitive nature of the June races requires us to research the candidates with greater intensity and understand more completely the politics of California’s…
National-Leading Racial Profiling Expert Finds Inconsistencies in California’s Racial & Identity Profiling Board Annual Reports in 2022-2023 Comparative Analysis
Sacramento, CA — Today, the Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC) released a Comparative Analysis of the California Racial & Identity Profiling Advisory (RIPA) Board’s 2022 and 2023 Annual…
Santa Cruz CO DSA Assisting Elderly Members Of The Community
Sometimes it’s the most vulnerable members of our communities that need help the most. Yet another example of how law enforcement keeps us safe not only from dangers but our…
Newly Released 2023 CA DOJ Police Staffing Numbers Confirm California’s Ongoing Shortage of Sworn Officers
…state of law enforcement staffing shortages in California. The brief highlighted first-of-its-kind research showcasing the inconsistent levels of law enforcement staffing across California, utilizing California Department of Justice (DOJ) data….
Reinstated (Again): Arbitrator Finds Grover Beach Officer Fit for Duty
…Grover Beach Police Department ordered that he submit to a psychological fitness-for-duty examination before its handpicked “independent” expert. The finding from that retaliatory examination has now been overturned, and Lopez…
…the previous president took on a more active at-large director position in PORAC. “I was nominated by the president of my POA (Richmond Police Officers Association) after being asked to…
Region Election Nominations Meeting
…the Election of: Executive Committee Member Insurance & Benefits Trust Trustee Legal Defense Fund Trustee Retiree Medical Trust Trustee Election will take place at the Executive Committee Meeting on…
West Coast Law Enforcement Coalition Expands, Returns to D.C. to Advocate for Commonsense Public Safety Reform
…from Monday, December 4 through Wednesday, December 6, to advocate for commonsense public safety reforms to address several growing crises – including the drastic increase in fentanyl overdose deaths across…