…profession in California. The Scholarship Program was developed from PORAC’s strong sense of commitment to individual communities and the PORAC members who serve those communities. The funding for the POREF…
Search Results for: https://www.tempcontrolpack.com/es/knowledge/why-do-we-need-phase-change-materials/弘cZ3
PORAC’S HELP Program: A Critical Link to Document Workplace Injuries and Exposures
…and the injury. HELP establishes this important link when seeking care and treatment from your employer for job-related injuries or illnesses. For more information and to sign up, visit: www.porac.org/resources/hazardous-exposure-listing-program/…
San Mateo Officers Lending a Helping Hand
…in their community goes hungry during this difficult time. SMPD officers have also launched the “Books ‘N Badges” video series – a series of videos where officers read children’s books…
Reed/DeMaio Initiative Cleared for Signature Gathering
…as their analyses from the state’s independent Legislative Analyst’s Office. This means proponents now have less than 180 days (six months) to collect signatures to qualify the measures. The good…
Greeting Message from Chapter President, Mike
…officers in the counties of Kern, Tulare, and Inyo. With over a decade of experience in law enforcement, I’ve seen significant changes, both positive and negative. I’m excited to lead…
National-Leading Racial Profiling Expert Finds Inconsistencies in California’s Racial & Identity Profiling Board Annual Reports in 2022-2023 Comparative Analysis
Sacramento, CA — Today, the Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC) released a Comparative Analysis of the California Racial & Identity Profiling Advisory (RIPA) Board’s 2022 and 2023 Annual…
PORAC Calls for Increased Resources to Combat Human Trafficking Around Super Bowl
To help combat the impacts of human trafficking in connection with the Super Bowl, the Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC) in partnership with Breaking the Chains, Mollie’s House,…
Benefits Summary
…continually strive to respond effectively and efficiently to the needs and input from our members. PORAC’s leadership and Board of Directors are constantly interacting and working to further the needs…
Police Staffing Issue Brief
…research brief directly spells out how we got here and the consequences of these ongoing shortages. Our research underlines the need to maintain fully staffed and funded departments across all…
Detective Sergeant Travis Lambert
…While this is a tough battle for him, friends and family of Travis find comfort knowing he is putting 110% into this fight as he does into every aspect of…