Symposium Powerpoints Click the image to view the Symposium Material SB 1421 Litigation Update, Additional Materials 2-SB1421 Text 3-CC Sup.Ct. Ruling 020-8-19 4-Granted Ventura Order 02-22-19 5-SD Sup.Ct. Ruling 03-01-19…
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Defunding Police Is Not the Answer
…institute much-needed reforms, the board recognizes that “it would be a mistake to slash the LAPD budget so deeply that it becomes impossible to continue successful initiatives like the Community…
2020 COVID-19 Tele-Townhall Regional Meetings
COVID-19 Tele-Townhall Region I Meeting COVID-19 Tele-Townhall Region II Meeting COVID-19 Tele-Townhall Region III Meeting COVID-19 Tele-Townhall Region IV Meeting …
Combating COVID-19: Call for Public Safety Resources Needed from the Frontline
…use or are otherwise using bandanas and other materials. There is an immediate need for disinfectant to ensure resources such as vehicles, duty belts and gear can be properly and…
Congress Active on Law Enforcement Matters
…funding to local police departments. S. 1245, the Protecting Communities and Police Act, would make a number of changes in the oversight and transparency of these programs and establish a…
Lawmakers Address Law Enforcement Needs as Summer Approaches
…which would require all entities to comply with court orders designed to assist law enforcement in addressing terrorist events or other public safety crises. PORAC believes that this takes important…
Staying Strong Through Crisis
…your community, keep communications open and stay politically involved. “I am now a total believer in using social media to improve your citizens’ knowledge of what your association believes to…
California Law Enforcement Leaders Partner with Senator Anthony Portantino to Introduce S.B. 387, the Law Enforcement Academic and Recruitment Next (LEARN) Act
…them for the rigors and adversities inherent to modern-day policing. “Community policing is more complex than ever, and we need officers that reflect our diverse communities and adapt to their values. The…
A New World in the Media
…(, Facebook ( and Twitter ( for updates. If you have any questions regarding PORAC’s outreach efforts, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (916) 448-3444, or and….
PORAC Advocates in D.C. During April Fly-In
…expanded funding for the following federal grant programs, giving real-world examples of how these grants provide vital support for law enforcement priorities in their communities. Byrne Justice Assistance Grants (Byrne…