…decided companion case, County of Riverside v. Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) (hereinafter “Riverside,” March 30, 2016, 16 C.D.O.S 3395), the court also upheld the constitutionality of the fact-finding statute,…
Search Results for: https://www.richdady.cn/wap/case/item-31.html黎Fbm
A New World in the Media
…enforcement officers. Make sure to follow PORAC on YouTube (www.YouTube.com/PORACalifornia), Facebook (www.Facebook.com/PORAC) and Twitter (www.Twitter.com/PORACalifornia) for updates. If you have any questions regarding PORAC’s outreach efforts, please don’t hesitate to…
PORAC in the News
…that can be lacking in some areas. This was a no-nonsense, one-cop-speaking-to-the-community piece. If you haven’t seen the video, you can view it on PORAC’s YouTube channel (www.YouTube.com/PORACalifornia), Facebook (www.Facebook.com/PORAC)…
The Real Story: AB 953 and AB 71 Explained
…Justice (www.openjustice.doj.ca.gov), is a public clearing house of law enforcement data, including arrest rates, deaths in custody/arrest-related deaths, and the number of law enforcement officers killed or assaulted in the…
Legislature Recesses for 2015
…the last two weeks of session. Now he has until October 11 to sign, veto or take “no action” (in which case the bill becomes law). To date, 1,217 bills…
Legislative Frenzy Before the Holidays
…not alone. Other members of Congress, including Representatives Pete Aguilar (D-Calif., Dist. 31), Janice Hahn (D-Calif., Dist. 44), and Eric Swalwell (D-Calif., Dist. 15), came out in support of law…
PORAC Advocates in D.C. During April Fly-In
…law enforcement and other agencies to use subpoenas to obtain emails older than 180 days, which are considered “abandoned” under the law. (Different from search warrants that target specific items…
Responding to Psycho-Medical Emergencies
…degrade to sudden in-custody death (ICD) incidents if not handled properly. PME incidents are on the rise, as are the statistics for ICDs. As the high-profile ICD cases in West…
D.C. Update: The Budget and Presidential Primaries
…Court Update In recent weeks, the Supreme Court rendered decisions in several cases addressing criminal justice issues. In a 6-3 decision in Montgomery v. Louisiana, the court held that its…
Bill Introduction
…case, the court ruled in favor of the employees, stating that peace officer personnel records and disciplinary hearings were private and could not be opened to the public. Because of…