PORAC President Brian Marvel, No on AB 931 Radio Ad https://porac.org/wp-content/uploads/AB-931-PORAC-Marvel.5.mp3 CA Police Chiefs, No on AB 931 Radio Ad https://porac.org/wp-content/uploads/AB-931-Chiefs-60-sec.mp3…
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PORAC Meets With Key Policymakers
…the government to obtain a search warrant to access the contents of Americans’ electronic communications, it is still pending in the House Judiciary Committee. September marked the first congressional activity…
D.C. Update: The Budget and Presidential Primaries
…to debate comprehensive energy reform and kick off the appropriations process. In the midst of these legislative concerns, the presidential primary season got off to a roaring start. In the…
New PAC Reporting and Disclaimer Requirements
…as an increase in the number of complaints filed with the FPPC mean that a PAC must be in compliance with these requirements to be politically effective and also to…
PORAC Seeks to Strengthen Community Trust with New Transparency Bill
The Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC) has introduced legislation to increase positive communication between law enforcement and the communities they serve. Numerous discussions between rank and file law…
Calendar Subscription
…the Calendar app. How to add calendar subscriptions to your Android device Copy the calendar URL from above. Log in to your Google account. Go to https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ Tap the + symbol…
Police Staffing Issue Brief
…with elected officials across the aisle to find commonsense and comprehensive solutions that will prioritize the safety of our officers and the communities we all serve. Police Staffing Issue Brief…
Officer Review of Body-Camera Footage Debated in the Assembly
…Committee, for example) before being heard in Appropriations Committee (if the bill has a price tag), and is then debated on the floor of its respective house. The deadline for…
Staying Strong Through Crisis
…the Public Putting faith in its members and the community and making direct communications a priority served the SBPOA well in achieving its goals. The association fully utilized its website…
Detective Reinstated; City Forced to Remove Misleading Documents From Personnel File
…previously complained about, and who was disciplined as a result of that complaint, our client, a Carlsbad police detective with more than 18 years’ experience in law enforcement, was terminated…